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Stop Motion

Stop Motion is a great, creative option for students when showing understanding and learning. Students can create stories, artwork, demonstrate a science project, recreate a famous event, and learn the art of patience. Stop Motion can take time, but using small movements to create still images that appear to have motion can be rewarding when completed. In this hands on session, you will learn some of the different types of stop motion and be given time to create your own Stop Motion Animation. iPads will be available, but if you have an iPad, please bring it to this session to download and use the apps yourself.

Photo Editing


Photos have become a part of our daily lives so why not encourage students to show their learning using a few apps. During this session I will show you a few apps that students can use to enhance and change the appearance of photos. These photos can be laid out and remixed together to make for an eye catching showcase of knowledge. Come with a photo(s) in mind that you want to change and recreate. The more imagination the better! iPads will be available, but if you have an iPad, please bring it to this session to download and use the apps yourself.


Scratch, the free program from MIT, is a great tool for students and adults with all levels of coding experience to explore. This programing tool allows for students to learn coding skills using visual blocks to help them along the way. Students will be able to learn a few basic codes and be able to transform the outcome of their learning. They can make stories come to life, create video games, produce animation, and even remix a project that is currently on the site. I will take you through setting up an account to creating your first program using a Sprite. Even if you have experience with Scratch, come and explore, learn new ideas and share ones you have already used.

Coding with the Younger Years


What is a Bee-Bot and how do you use it? Why should students in the younger years be exposed to these robots? During this hands on session you will be able to experience why students love and learn from these little robots. I will show you ways to connect them to math, writing, spelling, problem solving, and understanding the first steps of code. You will also be given fun challenges using the Scratch Jr. and Kodable Apps. iPads will be available, but if you have an iPad, please bring it to this session to download and use the apps yourself.

Elementary Technology


Have you ever seen great technology, but are worried it's too difficult for elementary students? This sessions will give overviews of topics that range from Google Apps, photo editing, stop motion and coding all with students that range in age from 5-10. Topics will connect back to curriculum. Come with an open mind and leave with ideas to use in the classroom tomorrow!

Beyond The Hour of Code


Now that students and teachers have become familiar with Hour of Code, what comes next? In this hands on coding session, you will get to explore with BeeBots, Ozobots, Spheros, Scratch Jr. and Scratch. You can see student create projects and learn how they can be used in your classes. This session will focus on what elementary students have done, but can be applied to many grade levels.

Google Classroom

In this session you will learn the basics of Google Classroom: how to create classes, add students, create assignments, questions, and announcements. It will focus on how this can be used with students in kindergarten through grade 2, but all of the knowledge learned can be applied to older students. You will learn the ease of connecting your Google Drive to you Google Classroom. This session will offer an eye opening experience to lower grade teachers that will be able to be applied in the classroom.

Global Connections

Have you wanted to connect your class with another class from around the world, but have no idea how to start? Then this session is for you! You will be able to see different types of global connections, learn about Twitter hashtags that will connect you with other teachers, and Google+ Communities that are dedicated to connecting teachers. Come ready to explore what is happening in classrooms outside of KIS!


Google Drawings

Have you ever used Google Drawing with students? In this hands on session you will learn how to use Google Drawing in the classroom and adapt it to any level of students. You will learn the ins and outs of a Google Drive app that is underutilized, but can make many lessons come to life. Be ready to get creative!


Tech Based Literacy Centers


Turn your literacy centers into high tech, student-centered masterpieces. This session will take you through several examples of literacy centers that engage students as they practice reading comprehension strategies, spelling, vocabulary, reading fluency, and phonics. Our center examples will introduce attendees to creative ways to use web-based tools and apps. The goal is for each attendee to walk away with a set of centers they feel comfortable integrating into their classrooms right away. Time will also be given to strategize and create new, tech-based centers based on old favorites. Bring your preferred device, this is a hands-on workshop!


Making Thinking Visible

This session will focus on the many ways Google Forms can support student engagement and making thinking visible in the classroom. From managing and reaching that quiet student in the corner to finding a way for students to share information with each other, Google Forms gives students an individual voice but also a way to look at responses collectively as a group. This session will not only teach you how to create, use and share Google Forms, but support you in finding where they are most powerfully used in student learning and teaching.

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